Thursday, January 22, 2009


i visited the balboa park museum of man today for a senior seminar assignment.  i wandered through the halls of the 4 million year history of mankind, taking notes about the displays and inferring on the target audience.  i left through the double doors and wandered around as the daytime was coming to an end.  i stopped at the organ pavilion and contemplated a new photography project.  i walked back to my car and proceeded to read new moon with my feet rested atop my dashboard.  as edward came face-to-face with felix and demetri of the volturi, i heard gentle patters on the roof and looked outside.  i stepped out as it started to rain lightly, and behind me was the sun setting, blazing the sky into a brilliant orange.  i turned to look at the other side of the atmosphere, gray clouds foreshadowing a shower, and a faint rainbow stretched all the way across the sky.  i stared at it for a long moment as it faded.

i've been experiencing a lot of moments like that lately.  "oneness," laine calls it.  being one with the universe and experiencing kismet with every aspect of nature.  serendipity in its simplest form.

i've been crying a lot lately- not out of sadness, but out of happiness.  moved to tears by things as simple as a rainbow in the sky or the art center catalogue.  i've been absorbing everything, and sometimes i feel like i'm going to die soon, because it's almost wrong for someone to experience so much beauty in such a concentrated period of time.  it's funny how that works- when you're too happy, you cry.  it's almost like when something is too good, it turns bad, but really, it's not bad at all.  before recently, happiness moved me to tears on very rare occasions, like my surprise party for my 15th birthday.  i stood by the claw machine at domenico's trying to pass my red face and watering eyes as irritation from the silly string sprayed in my face.

i realized that that's why i have such a passion for photography.  i see so much beauty around me all the time, and photographs are my medium of expression, my way to show others what i see, because beauty like that needs to be shared.  it's my speechless form of communication, because most of the time, words aren't enough.

i welcomed the night with a caramel milk tea with egg pudding and a drive back to ucsd listening to jlee's "lion jams vol. 1" mix.

why is life so good?  because i live it as such.  i think life always has the potential to be good, regardless of any shitty conditions that may present themselves.  it all depends on how you perceive the world.  january is finally starting to get colder, but i've never felt warmer inside.

everything seems to be falling into place lately.  one is my new favorite number.

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