Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Different Ways of Looking.

staying up all night has become pretty standard. midterms/papers/drugs/boys keep me up until morning. tomorrow is my COHI175 midterm, and i essentially had to learn six weeks of material in a single night. i started at 8pm after a wasted day of procrastination, laundry, moving couches, and el pollo loco. and i still have five lectures or so to review. i am just SO done with steam engines, the evolution of the human foot, and this theoretical bullshit about the "space of flows" and whatever the fuck it is i've been reading about. i swear, i never know where the hours go when i study. i go to class and do other things, so i'm stuck spending my free time learning things i should have learned during the time alotted for the learning. i waste my life. but i'm looking forward to studying what i actually want to do with the rest of my life. although that's what college was intended for..

it's kind of crazy how quickly things change. i've had this same discussion before with someone else, but one person can come into your life and steer you in an entirely different direction. i was supposed to stay unattached until art school, but life had other things in store for me. i really probably have no time for a male, but somehow the heart makes time appear out of thin air.

i spent a few minutes stupidly staring at pictures of us, then decided to crop. so, hello, i have a new project. think of it like nikki s. lee's "parts" project, perhaps..

stay tuned.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


this is me right now, as i study for tomorrow's (today's) VIS159 midterm. i think i've developed some sort of learning disability, because i swear it takes me 3 hours to do something that should normally only take 30 minutes. that, or i'm just too stubborn to do what i'm supposed to do.

in other news, my metabolism has turned into something amazing. i've been taking some gnarly shits lately; i feel like i'm pooping the whole world!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009


little did i know when i shot this series that it would totally describe how i feel right now. it holds a lot more meaning to me now; it's no longer just an image that appeared in my head that i decided to execute.

i can't really explain the feeling except in a weird stutter of fragmented sentences. it's like,
omg, fuck, HIDE ME. but no wait- come back!.. please? oh, i mean- fuck.. i want you! shit, did i just say that out loud? omg, i'm freaking out. hang on, what? no.. i-

someone just please fucking help me, because i've lost all my motor skills.