Anjelica Paz Projects

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"i have no life"

is something commonly said by people who are constantly working, school-ing, etc.-ing, but in the eyes of an unemployed post-grad, those are the ones who actually have a life.

i'm not someone who enjoys having nothing to do; i'm used to being consistently busy, always on the go, everywhere at the same time, but this week is different- i have no work, no school, no obligations, really. today i baked some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies that weren't exactly spectacular, yesterday i spent the day at sdsu looking for jobs, while my other meticulously completed his projects, and the day before, i cleaned my hurricane of a bedroom. i work out, snuzzle, and watch a mischievous bunny dart back and forth, chewing up my carpet and electrical cords. i'm not sure what i'll do tomorrow, but it's kind of nice to have time to think.

i used to be a constant blogger/journal writer before my life got the best of me. i used to cruise through others' pages, discovering new music and living vicariously. gladly, i no longer live vicariously, but rather, live my own life, but i do miss finding symbolism in places they don't exist.

this is the first time in my life that i can sit pretty and not really give a shit about anything, so i'm going to let myself not give a shit about anything. i'm going to take these five months to see where having nothing to do can take me. after reading the blog of a once-love who (i've realized once again) has a significant amount of depth, i'm going to regain interest in random things and explore this tiny world called san diego and discover all it has to offer me.

i seek to be more positive about this current state i'm in, despite the lack of productivity. life is good life is good life is good life is good life is good life is good.

tomorrow i hope for springtime weather for a springtime dress. curry atop a grassy knoll sounds quite delectable.

with that said, i'm going to smoke some weed.